5 Cleaning tips for Silk Sarees

The seven yards of silk sarees are an exquisite piece of art sitting in your wardrobe. They are gorgeous, without being too overbearing. They can be worn on formal or informal occasions alike. It is no wonder then that Indian women have a great love for their silk sarees. But silk sarees are as fragile as they are beautiful and that means you should take special care while cleaning them. A small mistake on your part can make your beloved silk saree unwearable. And that is not an outcome you want, right? So, here are some simple silk saree washing and cleaning tips.

#1: They are not made for tough cleaning

As mentioned before, silk sarees are fragile, and they should be given special treatment whether you are washing them inside a washing machine or by hand. Use soft touches, when washing them by hand. While using the washing machine, make sure the cleaning mode is turned to “Soft”.

#2: Use detergent with color-protecting formula

Fading and wearing out of color is a common problem for silk sarees. So, use a detergent that is a champion in color protect and anti-wearing. Such detergents are not too hard on the saree and preserve its look.

#3: Remove the stains right away

If you have spilled something on the saree, make it a point to clean up the area with running cold water immediately. Do not wait for the stain to settle down, otherwise, your saree is doomed. After you have removed the early effects of the stain, get back home and use some vinegar along with lukewarm water to clean up the fine residue. Squeeze out the extra water and vinegar gently. Then wrap up the saree in a soft towel to remove remaining water.

#4: Keep it away from direct sunlight

Once you are done with the washing, it is essential to keep the silk saree away from direct sunlight. It is best to dry the saree in partially or fully shaded areas. Direct sunlight can quickly fade the colors of your beloved silk saree. Never use a machine dryer as it can cause irreversible harm to the saree.

#5: Store the saree properly

To enhance the life of the silk sarees you have to learn the art of storing them properly. You cannot bundle them up, as the fine threads from embroidery work would get entangled, harming the saree. Fold the saree properly and then put them inside a muslin cloth. This would provide the saree plenty of breathing space and keep it in good condition.

I hope we have helped you preserve the silk sarees in their best condition.

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